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the other | Off Space

the other

The Other Other

Posted on November 9th, by admin in Uncategorized. No Comments

The other at its core points to polarizing dichotomies whether of race, religion, social class, gender, sexual preferences. To imagine the other one need not look far, perhaps there is someone standing next to you, and that person then is the other.






Conversely, the other can be as close as ones own reflection in a mirror. Throughout history the other has been a moving target as various cultures merge and blend through territorial expansion, war, and trade—today we can add to the list of factors television, trans-continental flight and the Internet. Our world is shrinking; people and ideas move over distances and through time in a way almost unimaginable twenty years ago. Yet we live in a world where cultural homogeneity as concrete fact has never been experienced. The lines of delineation are razor thin; we are all the other dealing … Read More »