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2009 | Off Space


Pretty Baby

Posted on September 14th, by admin in 2008, 2009, exhibit archive, Uncategorized. No Comments

OFFSpace’s inaugural exhibition at Art Engine Gallery in San Francisco, CA featured three artists playing with dolls- making them, becoming them or just watching them.







Sara Harrell-Lai, Victor Barbieri, and Goody-B. Wiseman  explored the margins of this childish pre-occupation exhibit works both playful and alarming.

Victor Barbieri’s ultra slow motion videos of young girls sleeping capture in vivid detail the childish, doll-like perfection embodied in his passive subjects. Visceral and engrossing, innocent and disturbing, these pieces elicit strong reactions. The subversive power of these gorgeous images puts a twist on the age-old relationship between the artist/viewer and the model/subject. Derived from her museum of a fictitious colony of feral children, Pentegoet Park: The Terrible Ones, Goody-B. Wiseman’s small bronze sculptures conjure dark places we’d rather not acknowledge—The Beastly Baby meets Aesop’s Fables. The museum of feral children documents the terrifying voyage of … Read More »


Posted on February 19th, by admin in 2009. No Comments

In speaking to this era of both limitless and very limited possibilities, the artists in Proliferations I + II reflect upon and inspire strategies for understanding our present realities; reifying the plethora of voices and generating discussion from babble. This exhibition brought together artists who both critically and formally addressed the idea of Proliferations through examination of the body, history, bounty and waste, life and death.

OFF-Space presented Proliferations in two segments and at two sites; at the Wealth Management offices of Rhodes and Fletcher, LLC, and in a rented storage unit in the mainly blue-collar, industrial area of Hunter’s Point in San Francisco. These sites were chosen specifically to bring into focus the financial, social and cultural paradoxes of our time and the constantly shifting polarities of globalization and global citizenry.

Proliferations featured works by: Walter Aprile, Zenia Barakeh, Steven Elliott,Michal Gavish, Ray Guillete, Ruth Santee, Jennifer Weigel, JessicaWestbrook, Alexis Arnold, Alicia … Read More »