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October | 2017 | Off Space


Pin Up

Posted on October 4th, by admin in 2017, Uncategorized. No Comments


Featuring the work of Claudia Huenchuleo, Derek Cracco, Gillian O’Shea, Marie-Pier Frigon, Nina Wright, Victor Barbieri, Walter Aprile and Winnie van der Rijn

Inspired by the coyly adventurous calendar girl hanging on repair shop walls, we have brought together artists who explore representations and notions of femininity, feminism and gendered identity. Notions of whom or what is “ideal” are shifting along with standards of masculinity and the resultant imagery.

In an effort to embody the current debate in this charged landscape OFFspace presents “Pin Up!” with work alluding to, defying and epitomizing the new/post/disrupted ideal. Taking on fascination with weaponized sexuality, cheeky twists on the traditional supine, passive nude and the “candid” snapshot artists bring an array of views and perspectives to challenge and celebrate the idealized (fe)male form.






Gillian O’Shea re-examines the time-honored trope of the watercolor nude, her paintings are lush … Read More »